
Introduction to First Ball Forehand and new features to our site. Welcome to your online tennis community. Let’s talk tennis! Want to take your game further? Check out myAI Tennis Coach and improve your performance, or dive into Stop Losing! Play Winning Tennis Now for proven strategies.

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    Equipment Intro

    Ahh, tennis equipment. Who doesn’t like a new racket, new shoes, new clothes? Posts in this category will talk all things equipment and hopefully help you to make the best, informed decisions. But first, let’s talk about where to buy tennis equipment. There are 3 primary places to get tennis equipment. 1) Tennis club pro…

    Read more: Equipment Intro
  • Introduction to FBF

    What is First Ball Forehand (FBF)? FBF is a place for tennis players and fans who love the game to talk about all things tennis. So rather than bombard your friends and families with non-stop tennis talk, come here instead! The format of the posts can be anything, but often we’ll use a simple best…

    Read more: Introduction to FBF